Sometimes some things first have to go before a new opportunity unexpectedly opens up. The emptiness experienced, is temporarily leading to uncertainty and fear, yet with an inner knowingness there is a reason why all changes. Nothing needs to be fixed, it just needs time and space. Giving space to Shakti to flow where she can expand fully.
I know her so well, yet being in the eye of it, it is a continuous act of surrender and trusting that I am guided and held at all times. Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith, because your heart tells you it's the right thing to do. How could I do anything else but that? Because I am a Tantrika. They usually don't follow rules, they only follow the bliss, worldly and spiritually. Doing whatever makes their heart sing. So I put it out here, and asked your support, your good thoughts, so that it would take shape, manifest - that which was longing to manifest.
I went inward and paused. Waiting for the unveiling of the mystery. Merging with the breath of the universe.
Waiting to shoot the arrow, right into the center, revealing the Fountain of Healing, revealing the Essence.
And now, 3 months later, it has manifested. A sacred quiet haven and harbor, just as a Sanctuary of wisdom, radiance and compassionate holding should be. For you, to be nurtured, supported & mentored, assisted and held in your healing journey, to receive a teaching for life, learning to live your life fully. For any stage in life wether that is birth, celebration, illness, or being tucked away safely in the Sanctuary to recover, to be heard, seen and held, to learn how to deal with your life circumstances. All offered with great compassion, care and only love.
Hidden and yet revealed.
I know her so well, yet being in the eye of it, it is a continuous act of surrender and trusting that I am guided and held at all times. Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith, because your heart tells you it's the right thing to do. How could I do anything else but that? Because I am a Tantrika. They usually don't follow rules, they only follow the bliss, worldly and spiritually. Doing whatever makes their heart sing. So I put it out here, and asked your support, your good thoughts, so that it would take shape, manifest - that which was longing to manifest.
I went inward and paused. Waiting for the unveiling of the mystery. Merging with the breath of the universe.
Waiting to shoot the arrow, right into the center, revealing the Fountain of Healing, revealing the Essence.
And now, 3 months later, it has manifested. A sacred quiet haven and harbor, just as a Sanctuary of wisdom, radiance and compassionate holding should be. For you, to be nurtured, supported & mentored, assisted and held in your healing journey, to receive a teaching for life, learning to live your life fully. For any stage in life wether that is birth, celebration, illness, or being tucked away safely in the Sanctuary to recover, to be heard, seen and held, to learn how to deal with your life circumstances. All offered with great compassion, care and only love.
Hidden and yet revealed.