Without an appropriate flow of prana (energy), health is not possible. It is the carrier for communication. Once the communication gets stuck or disturbed the body-mind-heart gets confused and overwhelmed leading to illness.
All our cells are holding a cellular intelligence which is being transmitted between the cells through the right flow of prana.
When a yogi meditates she/he directs and controls the flow of prana and enters a higher state of intelligence or buddhi. When this state is prolonged the yogi enters samadhi.
Than the individual cellular intelligence merges with universal intelligence or Mahat.
True Health or Swastha happens beyond the mind, beyond what we know.
It happens in that field of unknowable unlimited universal awareness.
It happens when we surrender our mind to buddhi and diligently focus on only longing to know the truth.
Than the highest teaching is being revealed. Through direct experience. Crystal clear. Sattvic.
Chinnamasta Stiles
Artwork: Meganne Forbes